GrisCatrina is a place were you can find paper models automata inspired in those fantasy creatures from all around the world.  ...




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GrisCatrina is a place were you can find paper models automata inspired in those fantasy creatures from all around the world.  

They are designed to be movable toys that you can animate them with a single movement of your hand, and portable so you can chase your friends.

Download, print, cut, fold and glue some of the mysterious models to your home. 

The name of Griscatrina is dedicated to the so many catrinas that have existed in Mexico from ancient times to honor the dead and to mock of the so feared death, madam that roams the land picking up the souls without previous warning. 

Visit us to get more info Important: If you have any question or need support, please ask and I would make the best to answer as soon as possible.

Thank you for watching my paper models!. 

If you need some support or want to share your built model,  
 Contact me at:

Creative Commons License
Griscatrina logo and relationed graphics by Arturo Palacios is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.